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The name of Szent István University, Faculty of Veterinary Science, has now been changed to The University of Veterinary Medicine.

The English-language program at the University of Veterinary Science was instituted, in 1992. Since 2000 The Faculty,  has been an integrated part of Szent István University, it is the second oldest veterinary school in Europe. From this year (2016) the Faculty of Veterninary Medicine of Szent istvan University, has become a University in its own right and has been named  the University of Veterinary Medicine. 


The program begins in early September each year. The curriculum takes five and a half years and parallels the standard curriculum found in most European veterinary programs. Practical work at the schools Field Stations and State Farms as well as with veterinary practioners is part of the curriculum.

The programme is of 5 years and the entire curriculum is a standard curriculum for the European Community and consists of more than 5000 hours.


Before the conclusion of the degree program the students must submit a thesis and take a state examination.The degree received at the Faculty of Veterinary Science, Budapest is accepted automatically by the member countries of the European Union and in several countries of the world.


The graduates of the English-language program who come mainly from Norway, Sweden, Ireland, UK, Greece,Cyprus and Canada report equal chances with graduates in their home countries.


Entrance Requirements:


Entance is based on an Entrance test in High School level Biology and Chemistry.


Fees and Costs 2016-2017:


Application fee: 200 EUR

Tuition Fees: (Year 1-5)


6 780 EUR             4 200 EUR          10 980 EUR

Exam fee in Budapest: 250 EUR

Registration fee: 220 EUR

Deposit:  800 EUR

University of Veterinary Medicine

Entrance Examination Topics




1. Chemical basis of life: Carbon, Oxygen, Nitrogen
2. Chemical groups, Water, pH, Lipids
3. Carbohydrates
4. Amino acids, Proteins, Biochemical reactions, Enzymes
5. Nucleosides, nucleotides, nucleic acids
6. Discovering the genetic material
7. Flow of genetic information: Genetic code
8. DNA replication
9. Synthesis of RNAs: Transcription
10. Synthesis of Proteins: Translation
11. Cell division: Mitosis
12. Cell division: Meiosis
13. Structure of cells: Nucleus, nucleolus
14. Structure of the cells: Endoplasmatic Reticulum
15. Structure of the cells: Cytoplasm, cytoskeleton, vesicles, cell membrane, cell wall, comparison of eu- and prokaryotic cells
16. Strucure of the cells: Mitochondria
17. Oxydative phosphorylation
18. Basics of Immunology
19. Questions related to the structure of the mammalian body, circulation, nervous system and visceral organs etc. may also occur.



1. Matter, atomic theory of matter
2. Periodic table
3. Nomenclature of inorganic compounds
4. Electronic structure of atoms
5. Stochiometry and chemical equations
6. Chemical bounds and intermolecular forces
7. Gaseous state, gas laws
8. Solutions, concentrations
9. Reaction kinetics and chemical equilibria
10. Electrolytic equilibria, acid-base theories
11. Redox reactions
12. Introduction to organic chemistry, alkanes
13. Cycloalkanes, alkenes, dienes and alkynes
14. Aromatic hydrocarbons and alkyl halides
15. Alcohols, phenols and ethers
16. Aldehydes and ketones
17. Carboxylic acids
18. Carboxylic acid derivates (esthers, amides) soaps
19. Amines, heterocyclic compounds (pyrrol and pyridine)
20. Carbohydrates

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