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Application deadline is June 30, 2015 please apply with us by 15th June as applications take time to process.

University of Pécs

Medicine        Dentistry     


Pécs is the fifth largest city of Hungary, located on the beautiful slopes of the Mecsek Mountains, in the South-West of the country. It has a long history dating back to Roman times and even today its architecture from the Roman, Ottoman, Hapsburg and other periods stands witness to its importance through history. 


University of Pécs Medical School is divided into 24 clinical departments and another 23 departments concerned with the Basic Sciences and Pre-Clinical Medicine. The university hospital has a capacity of 1350 beds. Its Heart center is the best equipped in Hungary. The faculty has 235 physicians holding a Ph.D. 54 faculty members also hold the Hungarian Doctor of Sciences and 6 seniors hold membership in the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. The medical school is equipped with the highest educational standards, with lecture halls, seminar rooms, laboratories, libraries and other facilities.

Research is another important function at the university with a number of ongoing research projects supported by the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, the National Research Foundation and the Hungarian Ministry of Education. Students interested in pursuing a career in medical research are strongly encouraged to do so. 







University of Pécs Medical School  Offers programs in General Medicine and Dentistry. Admissions are based on passing an Entrance exam in Biology, Chemistry and English followed by an interview to evaluate both the students knowledge in the above subject and their motivation.


General Medicine: The Medical Program covers six years, divided into 12 semesters. The first two years serve as the foundation of basic medical knowledge. From the third year theoretical training is extended with clinical practice, where students also take part in the work of the clinical departments and the teaching hospitals. In the last two semesters – the clerkship year – students perform clinicalrotations of 37 weeks. At the conclusion of the program (State Board Examination) the title Doctor of Medicine is granted for those who have met all the requirements of the training.


Dentistry: The five year program divided into 10 semesters is designed to unify the basic and clinical sciences, as it is believed that scientific and professional development cannot be sharply separated but should proceed concurrently throughout the program.

In the first three years the students are taught basic sciences – medical and dental courses – which are the foundation of clinical dentistry.

The last two years serve the intensive clinical study of each of the various disciplines of dentistry with emphasis on the assesement and management of patients.

In the final year students furthermore participate inelective programs, clinical conferences and hospital based practices. After the successful completion of the program, students are awarded the title Doctor of Dentistry.



Eligibility Requirements: Students who have completed high school or will complete high school in the year of application are eligible to apply to the University of Pécs Medical School. 


Documents Required: 


1. Please download the application form from below and print it and fill it. Attach a photo and sign the second page. 

2. Attach a copy of your passport with your personal data

3. Also attach a copy of your secondary school leaving certificate and official transcript of grades from secondary school (in English or with

an authorised translation). If you have not received the final years certificate yet please send in transcripts'from the previous 2 years.

4. Make your CV online at Europass CV (Curriculum Vitae) and attach a print out

5. Application and examination fees: Please contact us 


Entrance Exams: There will be regular entrance exams in Abu Dhabi till May. Contact us for the dates.

The Entrance Exam in Budapest will be on the 9th and 10th of June. 




General Medicine: 15,700 USD


Dentistry: 16,300 USD




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