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McDaniel College, Budapest


Pre-Medical        English Language     BA



McDaniel College is a fully accredited private college of Liberal Arts and

Sciences, located in Westminster, Maryland, USA. The European Campus

of McDaniel College in Budapest is  fully credited by the Commission on

Higher Education of the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools,

which is the accreditating agency for McDaniel College. and it is one of 40 

colleges profiled in the book ‘Colleges That Change Lives’ by Loren Pope. 


McDaniel College, Budapest is registered in Hungary as a foreign institution

of higher  education by the permission of the Hungarian Minister of


McDaniel College Budapest offers a standard American four-year under

graduate program in Hungary, leading to a Bachelor of Arts degree. A unique feature of the program is that students have the option to complete the upper two years of study at the main campus of the college in the United States. The courses at the McDaniel Budapest are taught by a highly qualified and experienced faculty of American, British and Hungarian professors who have held senior teaching positions both in the United States and Europe.



Courses offered by McDaniel College, Budapest:


1. International Studies

2. Business Administration

3. Political Science

4. Art

5. Art History

6. Economics

7. Psychology


The academic year consists of 2 semesters (Fall Semester - beginning of September to the middle of December; Spring - from the last week of January to the middle of May) and an optional January Term. The average workload is to carry four courses in one semester and to earn sixteen credits. It normally takes four academic years (8 semesters) to satisfy all the requirements for a Bachelor of Arts degree.  


Students of the Budapest Campus are encouraged to complete at least one study-abroad semester during their studies at the main campus of the college in Westminster, Maryland, or to transfer for the upper two years leading to the Bachelor of Arts degree. Degree students of the Budapest Campus are entitled to a considerable discount from the tuition fee in the United States and can study at the main campus on favorable financial terms.



McDaniel College also offers the following preparatory courses for students who may lack sufficient knowledge in Science of English required for further studies:




This course is designed for students who have sufficient level of English but lack the knowledge of medicine related subjects. After completing the program they have the opportunity to apply for University admission.

The Pre-Medical Program provides a smooth adaptation year for all the newcomers who will meet international students from different cultures in small-size groups.

The students learn to adapt to an independent way of life without the pressure of University studies. They also learn how to prepare for oral and written exams.

The Pre-Medical Program is also a social experience. Social events, trips to the countryside, lectures about Hungarian culture helps to make this year an unforgettable experience. 


The length of study is 1 or 2 semesters:

The two-semester courses start each October
The one-semester Intensive courses start each January

The Pre-Medical Programs are arranged in the historic building of College International.



English Language Course:


The English Language Course offers classes in General English, Reading, Writing, Communication, Science Reading, Business English, English for Special Purposes etc., It is designed for students who would like to obtain their degree in English but lack sufficient knowledge of the language. It is fitted to the needs of the students and their future studies in the field in which they wish to complete their further education. After completing the program students may join university degree programs or the Pre-Medical Program

Kike the Pre-Medical program this program too provides a smooth adaptation year for all the newcomers. They meet international students from different cultures in small-size groups, so this period is also a social experience. Also it helps students adapt to an independent way of living and discover a new world. Social events, trips will also make this year an unforgettable experience.


The length of study is 1 or 2 semesters starting each October and January.


The English language Program is also arranged in the historic building of College International.






Long Course (2 Semesters)   EUR 5,820 

Intensive   (1 Semester)    EUR 5,320



English Language              EUR 5,720 




1st and 2nd year                  EUR 7,200

3rd and 4th year                  EUR 7,800

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